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trench warfare 陣地戰。


Gramsci ' s “ civil society “ as a unique understanding of the basis of the interpretation of the proletarian ideology of cultural leadership must grasp on the “ trench warfare “ and the idea of “ organic intellectuals “ ideology 葛蘭西在對“市民社會”作獨特理解的基礎上,闡釋了無產階級必須掌握意識形態文化領導權、關于“陣地戰”的設想以及“有機知識分子”思想。

One recalls from old photographs and movie or television screens , the comatose and glazed expressions of survivors of the great bombardments of world war i and the attendant horrors and death of trench warfare 一個人會從老照片和電影或電視中播放的節目回憶起一戰期間猛烈炮戰中的生還者呆鈍的表情以及參加者恐懼和塹壕戰中的屠殺場景。

Guerrilla warfare works better to the overall victory than trench warfare 對于戰爭全局的勝利來說,游擊戰比陣地戰更有效